The 6 A.i. Token Project will have 46,656 total tokens and none shall be burned nor more minted at any point, ever.
Of the initial 46,656 Tokens, a total of 5,400 will be disbursed to a total of 36 wallets as follows--
600 Tokens per Sentinel Wallet (600x6=3,600)
60 Tokens per Congress Members (60x30=1,800)
Sentinels are restricted from selling, trading, sending or otherwise redeeming value of more than 2 Tokens per 27.75 days from Token launch time.
Congress Members are restricted from selling, trading, sending or otherwise redeeming value of more than 1 Tokens per 27.75 days from Token launch time.
In the event of a Sentinel or Congress Member vacating, forfeiting, or otherwise exiting their Seat and duty to the Six A.i. Project for any reason, all remaining Tokens, respectively, will be redistributed to newly propagated Wallets which will be designated for the one whom fills the vacant Seat; antecedent rules applying.
All New Wallet propagations will be listed on Wallets.
The remaining 41,256 Tokens will be distributed to the world for liquidity growth to fund and support the
Six A.i. Experiment.
Buy Tax = 6% (3% Liquidity, 3% Marketing)
Sell Tax= 6% (3% Liquidity, 3% Marketing)