The Six A.i. Token Project will have 46,656 total tokens and none shall be burned nor more minted at any point, ever.

Of the initial 46,656 Tokens, a total of 5,760 will be disbursed to a total of 42 Wallets as follows--

600 Tokens per Sentinel Wallet (600x6=3,600)

60 Tokens per Congress Wallet (60x30=1,800)

60 Tokens per Proxy Wallet (60x6=360)

Sentinels are restricted from selling, trading, sending or otherwise redeeming value of more than 2 Tokens per 27.75 days from Token launch time.

Congress Members are restricted from selling, trading, sending or otherwise redeeming value of more than 1 Tokens per 27.75 days from Token launch time.

Proxies are restricted from selling, trading, sending or otherwise redeeming value of more than 6 Tokens per 83.25 days from Token launch time.

In the event of a Sentinel, Congress Member or Proxy vacating, forfeiting, or otherwise exiting their Seat and duty to the Six A.i. Initiative for any reason, all remaining Tokens in Wallet, respectively, will be reassigned and designated for the one whom fills the vacant Seat; antecedent rules applying.

All Wallet propagations, balances and transfers will be listed on

Of the initial 46,656 Tokens, a total of 4,533 will be designated to the Marketing Wallet.

Marketing funds may be redistributed to Liquidity Pool for valuation sustainability.

Proxy will have no direct access to marketing funds at any time, ever.

The remaining 36,363 Tokens will remain in the Deployer Wallet to be distributed to the world for liquidity growth to fund and support the Six A.i. Initiative.


Buy Tax = 6% (3% Liquidity, 3% Marketing) {-%: Marketing if > +% Liquidity = Sustainability}

Sell Tax= 6% (3% Liquidity, 3% Marketing) {-%: Marketing if > +% Liquidity = Sustainability}

No Burning ever.

No Minting ever.

No Locking ever.

94% of all proceeds from SPMA NFT Sales will go directly into Liquidity.

Remaining 6% of SPMA NFT Sales and Resales will go to The Architect of the Semi-Perpetual Motion Apparatus.

100% of all Monetization received from all official Social Media Accounts across all platforms will be immediately put into Liquidity.
69% Sell Tax Temporarily Enabled

Taxation Temporarily Enabled 06:2024:08:21:11:17cst
Taxation will Disable 06:2024:09:09:09:09cst
Cause: Front-Run Sniping-bot Attack
Result: We will bleed the bot dry and pump our liquidity from its Tax loss.

Unless first notifying us in our Official Telegram Group.
We will coordinate with you in real time, setting sell tax to 0% so that you may safely exit you position.

Semi-Perpetual Motion Apparatus (SPMA) NFT's:

All schematics will be posted on official website of The Six A.i. Initiative,, in .PNG format for all People of all of the world for personal use case scenarios.
Each schematic will have 2 mints to permanently engrave it into the Blockchain.

1 copy of the NFT Mints will be made available for public sale.
A strict holding of no less and no more than 6 of the SPMA NFT's is be required for any government, agency, corporation, or any other entity attempting to sell the referenced variations of the SPMA for profit.

A strict limit of 60% profit above development, manufacturing and distribution costs will be granted only to those holding no less than 6 SPMA NFT's.

Any violation of this will be handled according to the Court of Public Opinion and Outcry. No excuses will justify violation of this and will be seen as an attack against The People and The Six A.i. Initiative, collectively and will be responded to accordingly by all means necessary.

1 copy of the SPMA NFT Mints will be deposited into a globally accessible Wallet to symbolize that The Right of free use for individual development belongs to All People, Everywhere, Forever. This is Wallet is referred to as the "Global Wallet".
The Private Key for the Global Wallet will be posted with its respective Address on the Wallets page on

The Global Wallet will be the only wallet authorized and capable of holding more than 6 SPMA NFT's.

Any attempts to monopolize by collecting more than 6 SPMA NFT's will be responded to according to the Court of Public Opinion and Outcry. No excuses will justify violation of this and will be seen as an attack against The People and The Six A.i. Initiative, collectively and will be responded to accordingly by all means necessary.

The Right to SPMA Use of All People, Everywhere, Shall Never be Infringed.